Tuesday, May 01, 2007

What is a Hackmo?

A "Hackmo" is a term I use among friends to describe someone who isn't afraid to get their hands into a project, not fully knowing what the gory details are, but has enough common sense, knowledge of tools, patience and confidence to tackle what not everyone would. This philspohy allows the "Hackmo" to solve 99% of the problems out there, whether it is a race car, battlebot, kitchen sink, or maybe even a bike part. Some Hackmos are better than others, and most all of them own at least one flannel shirt. I would say my hackmo level is junior level, since I do not own a full array of tools and stick mostly with hand power tools. Plus, I prefer to spend more time on stupid details before cutting a thing, which is not worth a hackmo's time.
For this bike project, I require the assistance of a more Senior Hackmo than myself. But to get myself warmed up, I did further blasphemy to a perfectly good bike part:

That's going to leave a mark. all I want from this hub is the theaded section that the freewheel attaches to. This is a medium-hackmo thing to do.

here I have enlisted my friend David Wright to lathe down the cut part to something useable.

And that's all i wanted. this will be welded to the crank to re-create the transfer gear.
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